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Photographs I have taken that are NOT portraits! Why I still shoot Landscapes

There is an age old saying ‘a jack of all trades is a master of none’ but I believe it's sometimes better than being a master of one. In what seems to be an ever changing work environment, versatility is more important than ever. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t focus on developing your skills tailored to one genre, this will inevitably make you stand out from the crowd if you have something different to offer. However, if you don’t continue to practise other genres purely because you are a "insert genre" photographer, you might be boxing yourself in.

I started off as a landscape photographer and solely shot landscapes, with the occasional dabble in nature and close-up photography. Halfway through my first year at university, I decided to experiment in portrait photography, specifically on location. While I still had several things to learn about posing, directing and composing for portraiture, I truly believe that my experience shooting landscapes made the transition to location portraiture smoother.

I already knew how light would affect the scene and the final result. I also knew what conditions would be ideal for me to start with and how to compose for a landscape, I just needed to factor a model into the scene and adjust accordingly. This was, and still is by no means simple to do but having prior knowledge of the landscape was extremely beneficial. When you have experience in other genres, you can apply that to the genre in which you shoot the most and even use it to help find your style and unique point of view!

While I now shoot more portraiture than landscapes, I take time out at least once a year (usually over summer) to go back to my roots and focus on landscape photography. Why? Not to develop my skills, but because I just enjoy it! I love being outside and immersing myself in the landscapes I photograph, and it is equally interesting to see how each space changes over time.

When your business is also your hobby, it is so important to take time to create and practice your craft for the enjoyment of it. Here is a small collection of landscape photographs I shot in Cornwall last summer for exactly that purpose!

You can see more of my landscape photography, as well as more of my art practice over on my Instagram! Alternatively, head over to my website to view my landscape portfolio.

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